Society Grants
The application period is now CLOSED. Winners will be announced at the 2025 AAES Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 17-19!
Each year, the AAES Foundation awards research grants to Active and Candidate members to support the Foundation's mission to advance the science and art of endocrine surgery. Applications are due in March, and the winners are announced at the AAES Annual Meeting. Two different grants are available:
The Paul LoGerfo Research Award was developed to honor the life of Paul LoGerfo who made numerous major contributions to the field of endocrine surgery during his esteemed career. Dr LoGerfo passed away from malignant melanoma in 2003 during the peak of his career while serving as President of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons. The mission of the PLRA is to enrich the discipline of endocrine surgery and to advance the careers of junior investigators who are interested in a career in academic endocrine surgery. These goals will be pursued by supporting grant proposals that will broaden the horizon of endocrine surgery and advance the career-goals of junior endocrine surgeons. The PLRA welcomes proposals for support of a wide spectrum of research topics including surgical ethics, education, epidemiology, biostatistics, health care delivery, as well as clinical or basic science research pertaining to the field of endocrine surgery. The PLRA may be used for bridge or supplemental funding for research protocols with existing funding.
Qualifications and Requirements for the Paul LoGerfo Research Award Candidate AAES members or Active AAES members who completed residency and fellowship training within 5 academic years previous to the year of application are eligible to apply for the PLRA. Medical students and surgical residents are not eligible to apply. It is encouraged, but not required, that each proposal be sponsored by a more senior AAES member who falls into one of the following AAES membership categories: Active, Senior, Corresponding, or Allied Specialist member. The maximum amount of each award is $15,000. Under special circumstances, an awardee may apply for a second year of funding; however the renewal will require a new application that will be considered with the other applications. The results of the completed research are to be presented within 2 years from the funding date at the AAES annual meeting. Any work published resulting from this award must cite the AAES and the award as a funding source.
The ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association Award for Thyroid Cancer Research was developed by the generous support of ThyCa to promote and support thyroid cancer research by AAES members. ThyCa is a national non-profit organization of thyroid cancer survivors, family members, and health professionals, dedicated to education, communication, support, awareness for early detection, and thyroid cancer research fundraising and research grants. The ThyCa Award welcomes proposals for support of a wide spectrum of research topics including surgical ethics, education, epidemiology, biostatistics, health care delivery, as well as clinical or basic science research pertaining to the field of thyroid cancer. This award may be used for bridge or supplemental funding for research protocols with existing funding.
Qualifications and Requirements Individuals are to be investigators less than 10 years from the completion of their postdoctoral fellowship or other training and have never had independent NIH funding. Faculty members (MD or PhD) are eligible in the ranks of instructor, assistant or associate professor. Medical students and surgical residents are not eligible to apply. Postdoctoral non-clinical fellows are eligible if their current department or future department where they will be employed provides written confirmation at the time of the award that the applicant has a junior faculty position. The maximum amount of the award is $20,000. The funds can be used for direct costs but not PI salaries, thus documentation of salary support from Department would be required. The applicant must be an AAES member or apply for membership in the year of the application, with the member committing to two years of membership if chosen for the award. In addition, the selected applicant will provide ThyCa with a brief bio and picture at the time of selection and provide ThyCa a brief lay summary of the investigator’s research to aid in additional fundraising. Awardees are required to present the completed research project within 2 years from the funding date to the AAES in a special session at the annual meeting (i.e. award announced in 2025, presentation in 2027). The applicant must also provide a written report of findings and expenditures. Any work published resulting from this award must cite the AAES and the award as a funding source.
The application process for each award requires that each of the following items be emailed as one complete PDF document to the AAES Headquarters at [email protected]. Below is a general list of requirements.
- The curriculum vitae for the applicant using the NIH biosketch format (5 pages max)
- Biosketch format instructions (if needed)
- Title page (1 page)
- The research proposal (2 pages max)
- Use only 11-point font with Arial or Times New Roman and 0.5-inch margins
- Itemized Budget* (1 page)
- Selection of Award Preference – You may apply for either the LoGerfo award, ThyCa award or both; however, you may not receive both awards at once.
- IRB/ IACUC approval if research involves humans or animals. Confirmation of IRB submission for the proposed research is required at the time of submission of the proposal. Submit an electronic letter of confirmation of receipt of the IRB submission for the proposed research. If no IRB submission is required, submit a copy of the letter from the IRB explaining how the research meets criteria for IRB exemption.
*Please note: If you are applying for both awards, you must submit two separate budgets, one for each award amount.